9 Avril 2009
1. Dancing With The Stars (real tv, ABC) : 18.7 M (4.2)
2. House (FOX) : 13.0 M (5.0)
3. The Big Bang Theory (R, CBS) : 8.9 M (3.2) [20h]
4. How I Met Your Mother (R, CBS) : 8.45 M (3.3) [20h30]
5. Chuck (NBC) : 6.0 M (2.1)
6. Gossip Girl (R, The CW) : 1.14 M (0.5)
1. Dancing With The Stars (real tv, ABC) : 21.4 M (5.2) [20h]
2. NCCA Men’s Championship (sport, CBS) : 16.3 M (5.6)
3. Surviving Suburbia (ABC) : 12.2 M (3.2) [21h30]
4. 24h Chrono (FOX) : 11.0 M (3.8)
5. Heroes (NBC) : 6.05 M (2.6)
6. Les Frères Scott (R, The CW) : 1.08 M (0.5)
1. NCCA Men’s Championship (sport, CBS) : 16.3 M (5.9)
2. Castle (ABC) : 9.2 M (2.4)
3. Medium (NBC) : 7.15 M (2.2)
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